Welcome to not falling.
We don’t expect everyone to understand.
We’ve been in the emotional trenches,
To the point where we felt like we had to fight for our lives.
We’ve contemplated desperate measures.
We’ve felt like there was no safe place for us.
We find solace in small corners of the Internet.
Not Falling was born from a place of hope.
We hope you will find meaning in it,
And return here when you need a place to pause and breathe.
“My heart just got ripped out of me at that point. The darkness I'd been staring at for so long, I ran headlong into it.
I had nothing left to live for. I literally had nothing to lose.
And when you have nothing to lose you can do anything, and that is a terrifying thought.
I had decided that my act of doing something was I was going to express my extreme anger and rage.
But thankfully I wasn't alone in that darkness.. .”
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What if there was something better?
It’s not too late to find that better path.
Bookmark this website in case you want to talk to someone who can help you — or you can just keep reading.