Who Is This!?

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Who are we?

We’re people just like you. We’ve felt the dark side of life. We’ve felt anger, depression. discouragement, meaninglessness. We’ve had thoughts of suicide, self-loathing, and contemplated violence. We’ve felt like we were falling toward an inescapable end.

We all have.

But we didn’t fall. We found ways to overcome these difficulties.

We believe you can, too.

We made this website to share that hope with you.

We’re just hoping you’ll reach out when you’re ready.

Privacy Statement:

We value your privacy and only collect standard non-personally-identifying information about web traffic. We will not sell, offer, or give your information to any third parties.

We do not collect personally identifying information such as IP addresses, or track our visitors.

This website is managed by a 501c3 nonprofit and is not affiliated with any government organization. If they ever want our information, they will need a warrant. End of story.

We just want to help.